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The Memento Blanket Part 11 - Christmas Wreath

For my December square, the theme just had to be Christmas!

I chose the wreath because it has a long history and is filled with tradition and symbolism.

Ancient pagan people, endowing trees with spirit, sheltered the branches of life-preserving evergreens through the frozen winter. Early Romans gave gifts of green branches to celebrate the New Year, bestowing the wish for health and good fortune upon friends and family. Eventually, the branches were shaped into wreaths, symbols of joy and victory in classical times.

The evergreen wreath - its circular shape an emblem of perfection and unity and the warm, enduring sun - later became a Christian symbol for Christ's suffering and ultimate triumph over death. It is believed that the holly wreath, with its sharp, pointed leaves, first represented the crown of thorns worn by Christ on the cross, the little red berries symbolising drops of blood. Later wreaths were formed from the branches of pines and firs, with evergreens embodying eternal life.

Hung on the door or a window, the wreath has been viewed as an invitation to the spirit of Christmas to enter the home and bring luck.

I hope you all have a very happy Christmas and I will see you next year for the very last square in our memento blanket.

Anita x


I hope you enjoy this, months square. Remember to share with me on instagram @madebyanita or you can email them to me